Personal Info

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (402)-580-9372

    Linkedin: Ben Crist

    Github Profiles: PersonalSchool

About Me

Highly motivated computer and electrical engineer seeking to leverage my education in computer science and engineering, including C, scripting languages, web development, and data structures, into a role as a software developer. A dedicated and hard worker who is passionate about the future of computer technology and engineering.

Work Experience

Sandhills Global - Lincoln, Nebraska

Software Developer Intern, Summer 2023 - Current

Parker's SmokeHouse - Ashland, Nebraska

Service Department- Server, 2021-2023

Computer Skills

Computer Languages: React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C, Assembly Language, Verilog, Python, VBA

Software and Database: SQL, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Visual Studio, Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Maple

Operating Systems: Windows, iOS

Relevant Coursework



University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Nebraska

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

      - Minor in Mathematics

    Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

      - Minor in Computer Science

    Expected Graduation 2025 | Current GPA: 3.792

Pius X High School Lincoln, Nebraska

    High School Diploma

    Graduated 2021 | GPA: 3.910